sent me this help: Before An Earthquake Before an earthquake occurs, secure items that could fall or move and cause injuries or damage (e.g., bookshelves, mirrors, light fixtures, televisions, computers, hot water heaters. Move beds away from windows and secure any hanging items over beds, couches, cribs or other places people sit or lie. Practice how to “ Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” Plan and practice how to Drop to the ground, Cover your head and neck with your arms, and if a safer place is nearby that you can get to without exposing yourself to flying debris, crawl to it and Hold On to maintain cover. To react quickly you must practice often. You may only have seconds to protect yourself in an earthquake. Store critical supplies (e.g., water, medication) and documents. Plan how you will communicate with family members, including multiple methods by making a family emergency communication plan . Consult a structural engineer to evaluate...