fastest flying bird

Birds are quite cute, but some are not, especially hunting birds like eagle. Here are some fastest birds that yet live on planet earth: 1) Peregrine Falcon : peregrine falcon is the fastest Bird that yet exist on this living planet(Those eyes look creepy) Speed(Horizontal) : 40-56 mph/ 68 mph, Speed(Dive) :200 mph Max speed :242 mph 2) Golden eagle : Golden eagle is an eagle of the species Aquila chrysaetos. Also known as one of the best preys in the Northern Hemisphere. Speed(Horizontal) : 28-32 mph/80 mph Speed(Dive) :150 mph Max speed :200 mph 3) Grey headed Albatross :the third fastest bird on Earth is the Grey headed Albatross.It can also be called grey-headed mollymawk. It is a species of Albatross(Sea bird). Speed :78.9 mph, It dosen't dive in air 4) Gyrfalcon : Gryfalcon is known to be the third fastest animal on Earth.ts just another type of falcon like the peregrine.(Those eyes loo...